Vladimir Yevtushenkov: Economic Sector Development and Philanthropy from the Founder of AFK Sistema JSFC (Vladimir Petrovich Evtushenkov)

Vladimir Yevtushenkov: Founder of AFK Sistema and Philanthropist | The Enterprise World

Vladimir Yevtushenkov is the co-founder of AFK Sistema, a significant investment company that has substantially impacted various economic sectors. The corporation’s legacy includes both economic development and modernization. The Sistema founder is also involved in philanthropic initiatives. 

Vladimir Yevtushenkov

Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Vladimir Evtushenkov · Vladimir Ievtouchenkov · Vladimir Jevtušenkov · Vladimir Petrovich EVTUSHENKOV · Vladimir Petrovitsj Evtoesjenkov · Vladimir YEVTUSHENKOV · Vladimir Yevtushenkov · Vlagyimir Petrovics Jevtusenkov · Wladimir Petrowitsch Jewtuschenkow · YEVTUSHENKOV Vladimir Petrovich · Yevtushenkov Volodymyr Petrovych · ЄВТУШЕНКОВ Володимир Петрович · Євтушенков Володимир Петрович · Владимир Петрович Евтушенков · ЕВТУШЕНКОВ Владимир Петрович · ולדימיר יבטושנקו · ولادیمیر یفتاشنکوف · ဗလာဒီမာ ပတ်ထရိုဗစ်ချ် ယာ့ဗ်တူရှန်ခါ့ဗ် · ウラジーミル・イェフトゥシェンコフ · 弗拉基米尔·彼得罗维奇·叶夫图申科夫 

Type  Person  
Name  Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Vladimir Evtushenkov · Vladimir Ievtouchenkov · Vladimir Jevtušenkov · Vladimir Petrovich EVTUSHENKOV · Vladimir Petrovich YEVTSHENKOV · Vladimir Petrovitsj Evtoesjenkov · Vladimir YEVTUSHENKOV · Vladimir Yevtushenkov · Vlagyimir Petrovics Jevtusenkov · Wladimir Petrowitsch Jewtuschenkow · YEVTUSHENKOV Vladimir Petrovich · Yevtushenkov Volodymyr Petrovych · ЄВТУШЕНКОВ Володимир Петрович · Євтушенков Володимир Петрович · Владимир Петрович Евтушенков · ЕВТУШЕНКОВ Владимир Петрович · ולדימיר יבטושנקו · ولادیمیر یفتاشنکوف · ဗလာဒီမာ ပတ်ထရိုဗစ်ချ် ယာ့ဗ်တူရှန်ခါ့ဗ် · ウラジーミル・イェフトゥシェンコフ · 弗拉基米尔·彼得罗维奇·叶夫图申科夫  
Other name    
Evtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich · Jewtuschenkow · Vladimir EVTUSHENKOV · Vladimir Evtouchenkov · Vladimir Evtushenkov · Vladimir Jevtushenkov · Vladimir Petrovich Evtushenkov · Vladimir Petrovich YEVTSHENKOV · Vladimir Petrovich Yevtushenko · Vladimir Petrovich Yevtushenkov · Vladimir Petrovitch Evtouchenkov · Vladimir Petrovitch Ievtouchenkov · Vladimir Petrovitch Yevtouchenkov · Vladimir Yevtushenkov · Vladimir Yevtushenkov · Vladimír Petrovič Jevtušenko · Wladimir Jewtuschenkow · Євтушенков Володимир Петрович · Владимир Евтушенков · Владимир Петрович Евтушенков · Евтушенков · Евтушенков В. · Евтушенков В. П. · Евтушенков Владимир Петрович · Евтушенков, Владимир    
Birth date  1948-09-25,  25.09.1948  1948.09.25  25-09-1948  
Place of birth  Kamenshchina · Kamenshchina, Smolensk Oblast · Kamenshchina, Smolensk Oblast Russia · Kamenshchina, Smolensk district, Smolensk region, RSFSR, USSR · Kaminschina, Smolensk, Russia · Каменщина, Смоленский район, Смоленская область, РСФСР, СССР · Каменщина, Смоленський район, Смоленська область, РСФСР, СРСР · с. Камінщина Смоленського р-ну Смоленської обл. РФ  
Gender  Male  
Nationality  Russia · Soviet Union  
Country  Russia  
First name    
Vladimir · Владимир · Володимир · Wladimir · Vladimír व्लादिमीर · 弗拉基米·ウラジミール    
Last name  EVTUSHENKOV · YEVTSHENKOV  · Yevtouchenkov · Jevtušenko ·  Jewtuschenkow · Євтушенков · エフトゥシェンコフ·  叶夫申科夫· येव्तुशेनकोव  
Patronymic  Петрович · Petrovich · Petrovitch · Evtouchenkov ·  Petrovič · पेत्रोविच · 彼得罗维·ペトロヴィッチ  
Position  Founder of Sistema · founder of Sistema JSFC · chief executive officer · Засновник АФК «Система» · Учредитель АФК “Система” · засновник російського ПАТ “АФК “Система”    
Career  Sverdov Plant · Karacharov Plastics Plant (Polymerbyt) · AFK Sistema  
Current activities  Vladimir Yevtushenkov is currently involved in philanthropic and socially oriented programs and initiatives.   
D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia · Doctor of Economics · Moscow State University Faculty of Economics (-1986)    
Source link  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Yevtushenkov https://ocnjdaily.com/yevtushenkov-vladimir/ https://www.fingerlakes1.com/2024/01/30/yevtushenkov-vladimir/ https://www.globalvillagespace.com/tech/yevtushenkov-vladimir/   

Yevtushenkov Vladimir: Early Life and Academic Background

Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich was born near Smolensk in 1948. He had a deep interest in natural sciences from an early age, particularly in chemistry. He frequently conducted experiments at home, aspiring to become a scientist one day. 

After high school, Vladimir Yevtushenkov studied engineering technology at the Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology. He graduated in 1973. He continued his education several years later, graduating from Lomonosov MSU in 1980 with a degree in economics. He later earned a doctorate in economics in 1986. 

Vladimir Yevtushenkov: Biography in Industry

Yevtushenkov Vladimir began his career at the Sverdlov Plant in 1973. Within two years, he had progressed to the position of section head. His skills soon led him to the Karacharov Plastics Plant (now Polymerbyt), where he managed a production shop. His effective management and innovative approaches earned him a promotion to deputy director and chief engineer. During his tenure, Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich significantly improved production processes and operational efficiency, contributing to the plant’s development and success. 

Vladimir Yevtushenkov – AFK Sistema JSFC: Founding and Development in the Telecom Sector and Beyond, Through 2022

Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich: Founder of AFK Sistema and Philanthropist | The Enterprise World
Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich

After Vladimir Yevtushenkov resigned from Polymerbyt, he co-founded AFK Sistema in 1993 with a group of partners. The company was established as a financial corporation with the aim of investing in and developing various sectors of the domestic economy. 

With the participation of Vladimir Yevtushenkov, AFK Sistema JSFC initially invested in telecommunications, via a number of leading companies. However, the company quickly branched out, and today the Sistema conglomerate includes assets in nearly 20 industries. 

In the retail sector, AFK Sistema’s children’s good retailer, acquired in 1994, eventually grew to 850 branches, with the support of Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich. In 2017, the company was listed on the local stock exchange.  

AFK Sistema also ventured into healthcare in 1996. Today, it operates one of the largest private clinic networks in the country, offering a wide range of medical services, notes Yevtushenkov Vladimir. 

In agriculture, at the initiative of Vladimir Yevtushenkov, AFK Sistema invested in two companies in 2011, which formed the basis for the founding of an agroholding in 2014. Today the holding company is the leader in its field, with diversified operations in crop production, horticulture, and dairy farming. 

The forestry sector saw AFK Sistema acquiring various assets in 2014, leading to the formation of a forestry holding. This group is now a leading vertically integrated holding, engaging in logging, wood processing, and the production of paper and packaging products. The company made its IPO in April 2021. 

With the participation of Vladimir Yevtushenkov, biography of AFK Sistema also extended to the e-commerce market in 2014, with an investment in an online retailer that has since become one of the largest and most valuable internet companies in the country. 

Through these strategic investments, Vladimir Yevtushenkov-AFK Sistema has driven significant growth and modernization across multiple sectors of the domestic economy, establishing the Group’s companies as key players in these industries. 

Vladimir Yevtushenkov: Biography of Philanthropic Initiatives and Social Investments

Vladimir Yevtushenkov: Founder of AFK Sistema and Philanthropist | The Enterprise World
Yevtushenkov Vladimir

The Vladimir Yevtushenkov biography has always had close ties with philanthropy, and in April 2022, he stepped away from his role with the Sistema Board of Directors in order to more fully focus on charitable and social initiatives. 

In 2004, Yevtushenkov Vladimir initiated the establishment of a charitable foundation under the AFK Sistema umbrella, one of the first and largest corporate foundations in the country. The foundation focuses on long-term social programs, particularly in education and regional development. By 2020, the foundation’s activities spanned 25 regions across the country. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the charitable foundation played a crucial role by supporting more than 20 medical institutions through the #StranaBezVirusa initiative. 

Vladimir Yevtushenkov also made significant contributions to the arts through his involvement with a major national museum. Since 2003, with the participation of Vladimir Yevtushenkov, AFK Sistema has been a key partner of the museum, with the AFK founder chairing its Board of Trustees beginning in 2004. Throughout his tenure, numerous projects have been realized, including extensive restoration works, exhibitions, publishing ventures, cultural and educational programs, and initiatives to improve accessibility for all visitors. This partnership was extended for another decade in 2013, emphasizing the long-term commitment to preserving and promoting the domestic cultural heritage, emphasizes Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich. 

In the field of education, Yevtushenkov Vladimir collaborated Lomonosov MSU in 2006 to establish the Higher School of Management and Innovation. This institution was designed to prepare highly qualified specialists for the innovation market, combining rigorous academic training with practical experience in managing innovative projects. 

Through these philanthropic and social efforts, which reached more than a million people by 2023, Yevtushenkov Vladimir has demonstrated a deep commitment to supporting and advancing various societal sectors, significantly impacting education, culture, and healthcare. 

Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich: Awards and Acknowledgements

Yevtushenkov Vladimir Petrovich has received several industry awards. In 2017, he was honored as the Philanthropist of the Year for his extensive contributions to the national museum. Additionally, AFK Sistema was recognized by a community of managers as one of the country’s top employers in 2007, highlighting the commitment of the enterprise to creating a positive and supportive work environment.

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