If negligence occurs, the situation will become worsen; WHO warns countries to ease lockdown

WHO warns countries to ease lockdown

Countries around the world have begun to offer ease in lockdowns. It is believed that the first phase of the corona has been completed worldwide. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns on lockdown to countries around the world not to take the coronavirus too lightly. Even a little hesitation can cause countries to increase lockdowns again.

India has a large population, so as soon as the lockdown relaxed a bit in a few areas, people took to the streets. But the situation is no different in other countries. After the lockdown in the US eased somewhat, many people crowded the beaches. Lockdown is being offered in different countries around the world.

Against this backdrop, the World Health Organization (WHO) warns all countries on Lockdown.

The WHO said that if there was slight negligence in easing the lockdown, the situation would worsen and the lockdown would have to be re-imposed.

“The risk of re-imposing the lockdown is real,” said Tedros Ghebreyesus, director of the World Health Organization. If countries do not make decisions with caution and foresight, the Corona crisis is likely to escalate again. Countries around the world are relaxing the lockdown to streamline the economy.

According to the WHO, countries currently need to invest in health care and focus on surveillance systems. In addition, the emphasis had to be placed on tests and contact tracing.

Corona has affected 3.8 million people worldwide so far. So far, the deadly virus has killed more than two and a half million people. Currently, more than five thousand patients die every day worldwide.

The fear is that the number could rise even faster after the lockdown is removed. There is also the Wuhan model in front of the world, from where the corona began to be infected. But now, after a long period of lockdown, life has returned to normal.

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