In poker, hands are ranked according to their power and the likelihood of them occurring. Understanding and learn the order of poker hands is an essential skill for all players. This guide provides a detailed explanation of each type of hand and tips on learning the order of poker hands quickly. Follow these simple steps, and you’ll be playing like a pro in no time.
The first step is to understand the basic hand rankings. The most common ranking is the traditional high card hand, which goes from Ace (high) to Two (low). However, there are other variations of this, such as the Ace-to-Five and Deuce-to-Seven rankings. Once you understand the basic rankings, you can move on to more advanced concepts like kicker cards and wild cards.
The next step is to memorize the order of poker hands. This information may seem daunting at first, but there are a few tricks that can help you quickly learn the order. One helpful method is to create a mnemonic device, such as a sentence or phrase, that enables you to remember the order. For example, “Aces are high, but deuces are low” is a common phrase used to remember the Ace-to-Five ranking.

Once you’ve memorized the order of poker hands, it’s time to put your knowledge to the test. The best way to do this is to practice in a low-stakes environment, such as online free-roll tournaments or home poker games with friends. This practice will allow you to get comfortable with hand rankings without risking any real money.
Here are 15 quick and easy ways to learn the order of poker hands:
1. Read articles or books on the subject.
A quick and easy way to learn the order of poker hands is to read articles or books on the topic. Several excellent resources are available that can teach you everything you need to know about hand rankings.
2. Watch video tutorials.
If you prefer to learn by watching and listening, plenty of video tutorials can teach you the order of poker hands. These videos usually feature professional players who played at the World Series of Poker explaining the concepts clearly and concisely.
3. Take an online course.
If you want more in-depth instruction on the subject, consider taking an online course that teaches the order of poker hands. These courses often include hours of video content and interactive quizzes to help reinforce the material.
4. Join a discussion forum.
There are many online discussion forums devoted to poker. These forums are an excellent resource for asking questions and receiving feedback from other players.
5. Use flashcards.
One simple way to memorize the order of poker hands is to create a set of flashcards featuring the different hand rankings. Quiz yourself on the flashcards regularly to ensure you don’t forget the information.
6. Play against friends or family members.
One of the best ways to learn the order of poker hands is to play against others who already know the ranking system. Doing this will allow you to see firsthand how the different hands compare against each other in real-world scenarios.

7. Download a mobile app.
There are several mobile apps available that can help you learn the order of poker hands. These apps often feature quizzes and other interactive games to help you memorize the information.
8. Play online poker.
One of the best ways to learn the order of poker hands is to play against others in real-world scenarios. WSOP is a great venue to play online poker against different kinds of players all over the world. Playing online poker will allow you to see how different hands stack up against each other in various situations.
9. Use visual aids.
Some people learn better when they can see information visually. If this is the case for you, several excellent visual aids can help you understand and remember the order of poker hands.
10. Make up your own mnemonic devices.
As mentioned earlier, one helpful way to memorize the order of poker hands is to create a mnemonic device, such as a sentence or phrase, to help you remember the information. Develop a few different devices and test yourself regularly to see which ones work best for you.
11. Try memory games.
Many memory games are available online or as mobile apps that can help you memorize the order of poker hands. These games often involve matching different cards or hands to score points.

12. Take practice quizzes.
In addition to memory games, many practice quizzes are available that can help you learn the order of poker hands. These quizzes typically involve matching different hands with their corresponding rankings.
13. Use study aids.
There are many study aids available that can help you learn the order of poker hands. These aids often include charts or diagrams visually depicting the different hand rankings.
14. Hire a tutor.
If you want one-on-one instruction, consider hiring a tutor who can teach you the ins and outs of the game, including the order of poker hands. This option may be more expensive than other methods on this list, but it can be worth it if you want individualized attention.
15. Join a club or group.
Another option for receiving instruction is to join a WSOP poker club or group in your area. These clubs typically meet regularly to play and discuss the game. Many of them also offer lessons for beginners.
Poker is a game that people can learn relatively quickly. The order of poker hands is an integral part of the game, and through these simple steps, you will be able to know what hands are best for each situation. Once you have mastered the basics, sign up with GGPoker, the world’s largest poker room, where you can test your skills against some of the best players in the world. With their easy-to-use software and various games, you’re sure to find something to suit your playing style.