Tridiv Das & Satish Kumar – Leading the Movement for a Green and Healthy Living

Green Factor Tridiv Das & Satish Kumar

With the advent of technology & progressions, we humans are moving fast to achieve the desired advancements, that will make life more complex on this planet. In this fast-paced journey, we are so busy that we won’t even look at the passing trees, and we also cut them down in the name of development, and don’t bother to recreate greenery! All this progression is having a huge impact on the environment that we are struggling to even, get the purest air, cleanest drinking water, good future proof food, and so on, which is the basic right of any living being.

Change is the only constant thing and to get ready to accept the changes and adapt accordingly is the only way to live a happier life.

When it comes to thinking about the environment, the word INNOVATION comes first as a solution! A passionate duo Mr. Tridiv Das, Founder, and Mr. Satish Kumar, Co-Founder at Green Factor are on a mission to deliver innovative sustainable solutions to humankind to make our planet more habitable for many more years to come, and also create an eco-system for people to thrive even during adversities.

In a talk with them, we discussed their journey so far, their views on the current industry scenario, and what the green factor is all about.

Tell us about Green Factor.

 “Our planet can be habitable for another thousand years, provided humankind can make necessary changes. During the changes, humanity will have to go through several adversities in the short and long-term.”

Green Factor’s sole purpose is to enable humankind to overcome these adversities. Green Factor is a For-Profit, Enterprise that beliefs in making humanity thrive in a balanced and sustainable ecosystem. We are the catalyst in making available the most important resources required for humanity to flourish – Air, Food, Water, and allied Lifestyle products and experiences, through sustainable development, at an acceptable price, at all times.

Innovation is the only way to make a dent in the Universe

Tridiv Das

What were the initial challenges you faced? 

The survival instinct of man has pushed us to a level where businesses are concerned about profits and only profits. For us to break the mold was not easy either. But as founders, we believed in the core purpose of the brand’s existence – ‘Making New Possibilities for Life.’ The journey had begun many years ago and has seen many up and downs, though there had been encouragement through the press and other social media channels, sustenance, R&D, product development takes a lot of time and persistence. Like Satish (Co-founder) says: “To provide the best at a great value is always an issue.”

Which was that point that triggered the growth of Green Factor?

The dream to provide alternative and sustainable lifestyle solutions and experiences had already begun a couple of years ago. But it was during the Covid’19 lockdown that the founders Tridiv Das and Satish Kumar thought to realign their energies and push the innovation paddle, which rekindled the old belief and set the development in motion. And in the process came up with innovations and products that are the need of the hour and will help mankind to survive to post the Covid19 era, as well.

How have Green Factor’s graphs changed since the foundation? Can you share a few statistics?

We have just launched a few products, and whatever traction that we have to date, is not an indication of our commercial progression, and we believe that it needs a little more time to discuss performance.

What is the reason behind your company’s long-standing success?

Green Factor as the name suggests –stands for growth and sustenance for all humans on this planet. Our board and team members have always trusted and worked towards the brand’s purpose of “Making New Possibilities for Life” and the objective of delivering more at a great value. So when you have a very simple business preposition it is not difficult for the teams to follow and achieve it. And when you are doing the right thing everything falls into place.

What are the products Green Factor focuses on?

Presently Green Factor has 2 offerings focusing on the Air and Food category. Green Factor LIVAIR: The All-In-One Air Purifier & Steriliser (recently launched)

A one-of-its-kind, affordable commercial air purifier, ideal for indoor commercial spaces like the Salon, Clinics, Small & Medium Offices, Restaurants, Retail shops. This high-energy efficient machine removes up to 99.97% of particulate polluting matter and eliminates most airborne germs, viruses, molds, and bacteria, allowing people to breathe freely and safely.

Green Factor GROVIA: A Soilless Indoor Gardening System.  It is the world’s first Greenhouse furniture that allows you to grow green indoor, saving up to 90% of water. These unique models are designed for aesthetic, environmental & functional purposes. Our dream is to empower people to grow a portion of their food even if they are living in an urban setting.

The most important resources required for humanity to flourish – Air, Food, Water is a basic right of any lifeform, and we infuse our offerings to ensure that it is Pure, Safe & Healthy

Satish Kumar

How are your services different from those in the market?

When you are in the game to bring innovation and great value at an affordable cost, you have already created a differentiator. For example, the Green Factor LIVAIR air purifier, which has got 3 layers of filtration and UV C sterilization process, aims to be the most affordable B2B solution in its category.

How do you decide to take the company a step further in terms of your products/services?

Green Factor has lots of innovative solutions lined up for launch in the coming months. Some of these are very interesting and are going through the R&D test at various stages. The newer solutions are in line with what will be required by the common man to survive the future ecological challenges.

According to you, how has the Covid-19 changed the ways of business processes, and how one should adopt these changes?

Covid’19 has hastened the evolution process of many things, and it has paved the way for many firsts, in diverse domains. We as a company always believe that the world will undergo many disruptions caused due to manmade mistakes or natural influences, and we should be prepared for it. And the pandemic has also encouraged consumers to try and test local brands and has many responsible brands to rethink their offerings, readiness to reach consumers, and the entire supply chain and Lifecycle.

Green Factor is a brand that doesn’t only exist for profits but a larger cause that is to enable life on this planet earth at an acceptable cost.

Tridiv Das

Green Factor has many products that are lined up, in our R&D labs that will help mankind face these challenges.

The Covid 19 pandemic has only helped us reinforce our energies & commitments towards giving life to these solutions.

Can you please brief us about your professional experience?

Our Founders and Board of directors are from diverse fields, and each has over 25 plus years of experience in building brands and helping them thrive amidst a lot of competition.

What are the key achievements of your entrepreneurial journey?

Our entrepreneurial journey started in 2009, with our first Business Consulting & Communications venture, Creative Factor which has been successful and is helping many Indian SMB & MNC organizations to reach their business goals and is also a learning ground for many young professionals to hone their business acumen, and also to look at businesses from a different perspective and work as a true partner to our clients

We have provided direct & indirect employment to over 1000 people through our initiatives. Our indoor soil-less gardening system from our Green Factor stable is a milestone that is worth mentioning.

How do you look after your employees? What makes your team unique?

The people at Green Factor are not employed by us says founder Tridiv, “They are self-regulated entrepreneurs, who are always willing to challenge the usual and the normal.” That way you are not pushing anyone but everyone is driving towards a common bigger goal.

Is there any special experience with your clients you would like to highlight?

“The glow on the face of a customer is more than a thousand words.” Since we are a little know brand, the proof of the pudding is in a demo. And when they say “Now I can sterilize the air, and feel safe.”, it’s like another milestone achieved in our Sustainable Economy.  

That’s enough of a motivation for us to go after another innovation.

One person, who you admire the most?

Anand Mahindra is one of the great Indian leaders whose vision has constantly been changing the industrial landscape of India. We have great respect for him and his approach.

Whose business story do you find the most inspiring?

Elon Musk is a true source of inspiration for us; his futuristic vision made him what he is today.

Constant vigilance- a need or a strategy? Please share your views.

When the employees are driven by a common purpose, it’s easier to achieve your goal, and when everyone is aligned towards that, there is no need for Constant Vigilance

It’s a rat race out there. How do you cope with that?

Change the game! Play the game for a bigger impact and a larger cause.

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