Neha K Bisht – Iconic Brand Narrative Curator

Neha K Bisht | Blue Buzz | The Enterprise World

In this era of constant competition, it doesn’t matter what gender is but everyone is running in the race to be successful and prove themselves. Yet there exists a social difference that reflects in society this or that way and every woman goes through the experience at least once in her life. The plus point that every lady should be thankful for is the right to education. The calculation of the growth in woman empowerment is commendable over the period of time.

Now everywhere women are one step ahead and are doing unstoppable growth. It’s always said that half of the development of a nation is dependent on a woman’s literacy rate. To grow sustainably and establish their own image, earning respect needs to be first priority of every woman in the 21st century. To fight for self-esteem and self-respect is not selfishness but is self-care or self-love, connecting to this Great Author Mrs. Sudha Murthy once quotes very well on empowering women’s generation

A woman is to love herself, be herself, and shine amongst those who never believed her she could”. Let’s deep dive into such a story of a self-confident lady of this generation and know her journey. 

In this interview with Neha K Bisht, Founder & CEO of Blue Buzz, we shall know more about Blue Buzz’s growth and journey through the hurdles and challenges. 

1. When was the company Blue Buzz incepted?

Blue Buzz was incepted on 1 st June 2015.

2. What were your initial challenges and how did you pave your way through those?

When I started Blue Buzz, I knew I was really good at my job i.e. PR, and I really wanted to build brands with complete freedom. My initial challenges were learning the ropes of other important roles that an entrepreneur has to play. Take for example finance, hiring, and new business development. Coming from a corporate background all these aspects were taken care of extremely well by the experts so we could only focus on our role.

3. What was the vision of your company Blue Buzz when you started?

My single-minded vision when I started was to be known as the iconic brand narrative curator. Blue Buzz today is a media powerhouse with a focus on creating unique brand stories. Our offerings are in Public Relations (PR), Social Media, and Branding. Unique Brand communication can create the desired perception for a brand and that’s what we aim to create with every single brand we work with. We focus on interweaving the brand’s vision and content strategies in a way that builds customer trust and confidence in the brand.

Our core belief is that each brand is different, and therefore needs a bird’s eye perspective. A detailed strategy can be prepared to keep the brand’s market positioning and communication needs in mind. To stay true to the same, we have a highly customized approach to each brand’s communication. We believe in taking a holistic approach to our communication strategies, deeply rooted in research and amplified with the latest communication tools.

4. Where does it stand today, in terms of revenue and clientele base?

I would say we are moving towards fulfilling our vision. The last few years have been rewarding and our efforts have been recognized and celebrated via various noted platforms. In terms of business, we have grown phenomenally embodying the hunger to constantly be innovators and brand curators.

5. How would you further your services?

My goal for the coming years is very simple, we keep experimenting, exploring and changing the narratives until we become synonymous with creative storytellers across all Platforms.

6. How would you describe your growth trajectory over the years?

It has been an exciting journey. All of few years, our company is thankfully growing steadily. We did not imagine this kind of growth, but the pandemic contributed to it in its own way. When we learned to adjust the sails according to the changing tides, we learned the most difficult strategies for keeping an organization afloat during volatile Times.

7. What is the reason behind your company’s Blue Buzz long-standing success?

There were risk-takers who believed in us at the onset of our journey and we ensured we reciprocated it with diligent efforts and memorable campaigns. Two chapters of this journey, very close to my heart, is working with Chef Vikas Khanna, a force to reckon with in the culinary industry, and Rahul Singh from the Beer Cafe, who gave us complete freedom to execute our ideas.

Along with our clients, I would give full credit to my team which has stood rock solid to deliver despite all odds. Every idea looks great on paper, only its execution sets it apart and anything that we achieved so far would have been possible without each team member of Blue Buzz believing in us and giving it their best.

8. Post-pandemic, how has the era of entrepreneurship changed?

From thought leadership, it has now definitely transformed into thought leadership. The pandemic was not just an unprecedented health crisis, it disrupted business and communication like never before. Organizations that adapted to digitization, shifting to online work platforms seamlessly, thrived during this phase. From meetings to projects, everything was happening virtually – paving the way for a new beginning in communication and the way leaders envisioned the world.

This is where thought leaders stepped up to encourage employees, stakeholders, and customers about overcoming this phase by ‘being in this together. They even spoke about digital transformation and how it would completely change the way corporate strategy, vision, and networking would have to be worked out.

However, what they did not foresee was how remote working and the absence of human interaction would lead to isolation and a mental health crisis among channel partners, employees, and Customers. Confined to their homes due to the lockdown, people did not want to read about what brands could do anymore. They were not interested in hearing about differentiation in services and products. This is when thought leadership needed a tectonic shift.

9. Please walk us through your professional background.

The field of advertising had always intrigued me, which led me to pursue a formal qualification of BMM, with a specialization in advertising. In fact, I even undertook an internship in advertising at a media house. However, it was during this stint I discovered brand building and storytelling through media and communication and felt I was better suited to be in the communication/PR field.

With Blue Buzz growing as a boutique agency that offers complete 360-degree media solutions, I am able to explore different aspects of media communication and employ a combination of advertising, PR, marketing, et al, to create the best solutions for our clients.

10. A word for budding entrepreneurs?

Enjoy your journey, value people, and be consistent.

11. How do you look after your employees? What makes your team unique?

We ensure that each individual is made to feel important in the organization for the expertise and creativity that they bring to the team. There is the extra effort taken to ensure work-life balance and we also invest time in knowing one another. This has paved the way for great productivity and happy professionals.

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