Unprecedented progress has been made in the Telemedicine sector in this era of digital technology. New inventions are being made day by day. We are conquering diseases with the power of intelligence. Innovators have made the impossible possible and achievable.
With the help of science and modern digital techniques, the treatment of many incurable diseases has been possible. Science and technology have created such devices and solutions that humans could not even imagine before. In the Covid-19 pandemic, medical technology has saved the lives of millions across the globe.
In the same context, in our special feature, we bring to you one of such leading medical technology providing companies that have changed the dimensions of treatments with its utmost innovative and cognitively ahead solution based on smart telemedicine concept.
Incorporated in 2016, Rijuven India is an eminent company that offers cutting-edge and best-in-class technology-led telemedicine solutions that include medical devices based on cloud, patient management solutions, consumer devices, and their most unique, CardioSleeve which is a first FDA cleared stethoscope add-on device for clinicians to acquire 3-Lead ECG, Digital Heart Sound and identify Heart Failure (ejection fraction) at any point of care on a mobile device.
It is a social entrepreneur company introducing a life-changing smart telemedicine concept in India in collaboration with the parent company Rijuven (USA). The company is on a mission to transform and revolutionize health care through innovative medical products that have a world impact. This will be a quantum leap to ‘serve the underserved and make inaccessible technology accessible at any point of care.
Raj Kapoor, MD (President), a leader with a futuristic vision is the backbone behind Rijuven India’s long-standing growth.
A Pulmonary/Critical Care specialist by training, Dr. Kapoor is also Board Certified in Sleep Medicine. He is a Fellow American College of Chest Physicians and a Member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. He is the Former Chair Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre – Passavant, and currently serving as the Medical Director of Restful Night Sleep Centre, Pennsylvania.
Rijuven India truly dominates the industry with its position as a leader in the techno-led telemedicine space. Their sole aim is to provide products and solutions that are unique, differentiated, and standing up to their legacy in the technology domain by offering new-age techno-powered cloud-based solutions.
Early Days and Rising Growth Graph of the Company
Every successful company has its ups and downs, and the road for Rijuven India was also one with its fair share of hurdles and achievements, but one thing that remained consistent was their unwavering spirit and their aim to provide the best to their clients. The company faced initial challenges like going through the regulatory process for the patent, trademark, FDA(USA), and CE clearance. Without sitting back relaxed, the company tackled well with all the hurdles and became the most promising telemedicine solution providing company across the globe.
In mid-2017 Rijuven ‘Clinic in a Bag’ was utilized to provide free health check-ups to more than three thousand villagers in Andhra Pradesh. It was very gratifying to identify latent disorders with this technology and refer to the nearest health center for the management of Heart failure, Diabetes, COPD, and Hypertension. This validated company’s technology and triggered growth of the company.
The Key Factors of Rijuven India’s Success:
- Passion
- Perseverance
- Perspiration
Making Impossible Possible
Rijuven is the world leader in innovating Telehealth solutions to make technology accessible at any point of care. Their cutting-edge solutions integrate the four pillars of Health, Mobile, Cloud, and Artificial Intelligence.
Rijuven India is taking a step ahead with top class marketing, scaling, and collaborating with strategic partners in developing countries.
New Additions to Their Plethora of Most Diversified Solutions
“Service on Demand” is the way a consumer utilizes the mobile phone for various kinds of services nowadays. People do banking, make reservations, trade stocks, shop, make appointments, and much more on the mobile phone. But the much-needed mobile healthcare services are grossly wanting. We are planning to bridge the connection with the patient and healthcare worker, hospital, clinic, doctor, or a nurse at any point of care instantly on-demand. Rijuven’s GlobiDoc mobile application connects a patient with a doctor or a healthcare worker for diagnosis and management at any point of care in the world inclusive of home, clinic, hospital, airlines, cruise lines, wilderness, transportation, workplace, and industry.
Raj Kapoor, MD – An Unmatched Leader and Innovator in Telemedicine Sector
Rijuven India’s status and respect in the market and the technology-led healthcare solutions space is exceptional with their plethora of innovative devices, which not only speak highly of their handpicked team of industry experts and masterminds but also their able, efficient, ace, and unmatched leader, Dr. Raj Kapoor, President and Co-Founder.
Dr. Kapoor has more than four decades of experience specializing in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary/Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine. Currently Dr. Kapoor and his team is working on innovative telemedicine platform to ‘Save time, Save cost, Save life’
Talking about the constant vigilance and rat race in the market Dr. Kapoor says, “there is virtuosity in planning long-term strategy and achieving milestones at a reasonable pace. Constant vigilance is less desirable as it disturbs creativity and results in a stressful work environment.”
I compete with myself and do not let the noise of others’ opinions drown out my inner voice. My time is limited, and I do not waste it living someone else’s life.
Dr. Raj Kapoor

The Key Achievements
Dr. Kapoor says, “Personifying instant meaningful and actionable health information to the healthcare worker for any patient at any time and any place, I have achieved the ‘new-age’ innovator status in the history of the invention of the stethoscope after Littman. My CardioSleeve innovation is the world’s first smart ECG Stethoscope accessory that radically improves the cardio-diagnostic process. This breakthrough Patented and US FDA-cleared device combines the power of ECG, digital auscultation, and mobile app integration with any existing stethoscope.
With CardioSleeve, clinicians can instantly and accurately visualize heart murmur, analyse cardiac arrhythmia, and identify heart failure (ejection fraction) at any point of care on a mobile device.”
The Driving Force
The driving force of perfection takes the company forward. Rijuven India’s devices researched and designed with a team of expertise transmogrifies the businesses of their clients and empowers them to take care of their patients well. Rijuven India’s team is not just a professional team, but it’s a diverse family of skilled members. The leadership at the company takes care of their driving force by looking after their needs, providing good working conditions, and making them feel a part of the whole big Rijuven family.
Rijuven India’s Mission
To make Rijuven India a one-stop destination for innovative healthcare products. The company intends to make healthcare delivery convenient and motivate the underserved populace to take up a healthier lifestyle. Their service content is to serve patients by empowering them with affordable state-of-the-art preventive healthcare. The focus is to create a common telemedicine platform for every healthcare stakeholder by promoting their services, sharing best practices, exchanging information, and empowering the quality of healthcare in the rural spectrum. Rijuven India aims at creating a robust and comprehensive telemedicine marketplace in both the private and public sectors.
This approach will guide patients through the complex healthcare systems of countries with underserved healthcare delivery options. The company’s service delivery is pivoted through its innovative telemedicine products wherein their application is based on authentic quality healthcare of international standards. Through their telemedicine platforms, healthcare delivery is customized for the stakeholder and the patients at the grassroots level.
“Compassion first, Commercial second”
Create a healthy Society through innovative and affordable medical products with a focus on the underserved.
To create a vibrant access point for preventive healthcare delivery to the underserved, even in obscure parts of the world through the innovative Smart Telemedicine concept.